All-metal vans from Business Auto GOC are the best variant for various bulk cargo transportation. The company sells a wide range of SibEuroVan practical premium constructions for business with a volume of 2 – 120 m3 at low prices. The offered proposals are specially designed and equipped for specific conditions of usage. We offer branded floors, original flanging, fittings, and insulated mounting rails. Van mounting is carried out at the customer’s request on the GAZ, HINO, ISUZU, Iveco, Mitsubishi Fuso, or Hyundai chassis.

Vans: functions and types

Van body - is an all-metal or plastic frame construction designed for the protected transportation of certain goods. It is equipped with flaps, doors, a tail lift, and other facilities. It is mounted on the truck chassis. Depending on the operation option, there are the following types:

  • Manufactured goods vans: are characterized by simple components, low cost, and versatility of usage. They are indispensable for the transportation of manufactured goods that does not require special transportation and storage conditions. The sheathing is usually made of sheet steel, less often - from plastic.
  • Insulated vans: are hermetic items with an isolation envelope in the form of a thick layer of foam plastic, extruded polystyrene (XPS), or sandwich panels. They are used for the transportation of perishable products.
  • A refrigerated van is a multi-sectional type of insulated construction. Due to a certain number of side doors, you have access to separate sections. Such a solution is suitable for serving small retail outlets with various products. They are equipped with refrigeration and heating units that provide maintenance of the set temperatures in the range from –32 to +20 0С.
  • Wing van bodies are frame constructions with quick detachable racks and sides of 400–800 mm with folding hinges. They are equipped with tents, rigid front sides, rear swing gates, or tail lifts.
  • Onboard platformsКаркасные конструкции с быстросъемными стойками и бортами 400–800 мм, оборудованными откидными петлями. Комплектуются тентами, жесткими передними стенками, задними распашными воротами или гидробортами.
  • Trailers are van bodies of the manufactured goods type on single- or two-axle chassis without engine and cabin.

Prices for vans

Van cost directly depends on the construction type, equipment, and materials used in the production. To make it easier for you to sort out the prices, we made a table where you can see the minimal prices for vans of all types from our catalog.

Van type Cost from (rubles)
Manufactured goods vans 70 000,00
Insulated vans 80 000,00
Refrigerated vans 999 999,00
Wing van bodies 100 000,00
Onboard platforms 100 000,00
Trailers 100 000,00

Call the Business Auto manager to get a consultation and order SibEuroVan vans with branded additional superstructures for specific usage conditions on favorable terms.

Do you need a consultation?

To order transport for business or agree on the dates for the commercial special vehicles modernization (repair), you can phone our manager. Or request a call back by filling in the form below.


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